Clip-in or tape-in hair extensions, which wins your heart?

Clip-in or tape-in hair extensions, which wins your heart?

The question of which is better: Clip-in or Tape-in hair extensions may exist so long as the hair extension concept itself does. As a professional in the hair industry, Anka Hair can tell you one thing: Surprisingly, there is no answer to this. Some people find...
Synthetic hair or human hair: The easiest choice!

Synthetic hair or human hair: The easiest choice!

Everyone who is considering having a hair extension, at some point, all comes to a question of which to choose: Synthetic hair or virgin human hair? But if you are in for “real experience” then this is actually not a very difficult decision to make. Let Anka Hair tell...
Weft hair or Tape-in hair: Which is the best hair extension?

Weft hair or Tape-in hair: Which is the best hair extension?

An overview on what is weft hair and tape-in hair, pros and cons, what to consider before getting hair extensions in order to have a perfect look without damaging the hair.  You may not believe this: The question asked most frequently when it comes to hair extension...
Know About Hair Extension Types

Know About Hair Extension Types

There are many types of hair extensions that women use to make their hairs look beautiful. Sometimes the growth of natural hair stops at a certain age so women like to wear hair extensions to make their hairs long and beautiful. There are many types of hair extensions...
How Important are Machine Weft Hair?

How Important are Machine Weft Hair?

Machine wefted hair is a type of item that has been sewed to create a bundle of extensions. With the help of a triple-head sewn machine, bulk hair is stitched near the top of the individual hair strands. Therefore, Machine Weft Hair is available in various beauty...
Tips care for every Hair Grade

Tips care for every Hair Grade

I’ve been receiving several questions on the hair grading system so I decided to blog about it. First, the hair grade system is used to determine the quality of hair. Although it might all be human virgin hair, it is not all good quality. 4A and 5A Grade Hair –...
Synthetic hair vs human hair? How to avoid seller scams?

Synthetic hair vs human hair? How to avoid seller scams?

With technological advances, synthetic hair has become more popular  in recent years. However, if you expect natural look, human hair is still the best choice.  Honestly, in some cases, it is hard to tell the difference between synthetic hair and human hair. As a...
Virgin hair – the quality maker of hair extensions

Virgin hair – the quality maker of hair extensions

Hair extensions is undoubtedly a favorable trend that has remained its popularity during a long stage. It is a safe but convenient solution to women’s increasing need to change your style in a short time. However, the level of customer’s satisfaction obviously depends...
Top 5 shades of fall brown hair of 2017

Top 5 shades of fall brown hair of 2017

The autumn is coming, do you consider to change something to welcome it? In this article we want to suggest you five favorite fall brown hair of 2017. Ash Brown Ash brown is one of fall brown hair attracting ladies’ attention most. Ash Brown is one of the most...
Hot news: Vietnam Women wigs for hair loss

Hot news: Vietnam Women wigs for hair loss

Many women are suffering from hair loss, with the development of the hair industry, these anxieties are completely removed by the appearance of women wigs. Wigs for hair loss Nowadays, women account for 40% of hair loss cases, which include 90 million women. The cause...