How to find good hair factory in Vietnam

How to find good hair factory in Vietnam

In the emerging hair industry, Vietnam has risen up as a destination for vendors, sellers as well as customers from around the world for its remarkable good quality products and satisfactory services. However, with the rapidly growing number of hair factories and...


You always thought you knew everything there is to know about hair extensions, then you read somewhere people talk about bone straight hair and how shiny, flashy it would be. At that time, you start wondering: What is bone straight hair? Is it different from natural...
Key to start a sucessful hair business

Key to start a sucessful hair business

Along with the rapid popularity of hair products such as hair extensions and wigs, many investors have recognized the potential of the hair industry. Hair factories sprang up everywhere to meet the needs of consumers around the world. As a keen trader, you certainly...
Things you do not know about ponytail hair extensions

Things you do not know about ponytail hair extensions

Ever wonder why someone’s hair could grow incredibly fast into a super trendy ponytail over just one night? There is no secret to it, actually. With the help of a suitable hair extension, in this case, a ponytail hair extension, you’ll find yourself refreshed and...
Everything you need to know about human hair wig.

Everything you need to know about human hair wig.

In modern society, wigs have become more and more popular. They are not only used by men to cover their baldhead but also used by millions of women who are seeking beauty and a change of style. As the industry emerges, different types of hair wigs have come to the...
Lace closures and frontals: The key to a natural hair

Lace closures and frontals: The key to a natural hair

If you are going to have a wig and in need of a closure or frontal to complete the look but the concept of closure definition, lace frontal, HD frontal or HD lace closure, etc. are complicated enough that make it hard to decide, leave it to us! We are here to provide...
Things you may not know about remy hair

Things you may not know about remy hair

If you are looking for unprocessed virgin hair that is in good quality, natural and smooth but likely to pay an affordable price, remy hair is your solution. Do not worry if the term confuses you. Remy hair is not as complicated as it seemed on the internet. In fact,...
Everything you need to know about virgin hair

Everything you need to know about virgin hair

People who are new to the hair industry, or even people who are not so new are often confused by different types of hair, especially when it comes to the highest quality of all: Virgin hair. That’s why not only customers but sometimes even vendors can be victims of...