Clip-in or tape-in hair extensions, which wins your heart?

Clip-in or tape-in hair extensions, which wins your heart?

The question of which is better: Clip-in or Tape-in hair extensions may exist so long as the hair extension concept itself does. As a professional in the hair industry, Anka Hair can tell you one thing: Surprisingly, there is no answer to this. Some people find...
Synthetic hair or human hair: The easiest choice!

Synthetic hair or human hair: The easiest choice!

Everyone who is considering having a hair extension, at some point, all comes to a question of which to choose: Synthetic hair or virgin human hair? But if you are in for “real experience” then this is actually not a very difficult decision to make. Let Anka Hair tell...
Weft hair or Tape-in hair: Which is the best hair extension?

Weft hair or Tape-in hair: Which is the best hair extension?

An overview on what is weft hair and tape-in hair, pros and cons, what to consider before getting hair extensions in order to have a perfect look without damaging the hair.  You may not believe this: The question asked most frequently when it comes to hair extension...