In this blog, I will show you how to fix uneven bleached hair. It is irresistible to not dye your hair. And in the changing hair color process, bleaching hair is always the most exciting yet challenging part. A lot of factors are required in achieving good color when using bleach, such as the hair’s overall condition, processing time, and also the pattern of the highlights. Not to mention, most of us tend to bleach hair at home making it 10 times harder. Be prepared for one day when you wake up and realize you’ve gone from blonde to accidentally ombre.
The truth is, nine times out of ten, you’ll need to go to a professional for a fix. That’s because a full head of bleach is such a complicated and unique process. But it is 2022, the quarantine situation can occur again soon or later, therefore Anka hair is here to help you fix uneven bleached hair at home with 2 easy methods.
Table of Contents
1. What causes uneven bleached hair
Before learning how to fix your uneven bleach, knowing which factors cause your hair from fully blond to a weirdly ombre is very important to pick the best solution. The easiest way is to start by retracing your steps before you find out what happened. These four common mistakes can be the reasons for uneven bleached hair as you go over the procedure to determine if any of them apply to you.
- Not using enough product: Each type of hair needs a different proportion to fully bleach, if your hair is dark virgin type, there will need more bleach else, your hair could turn into orange or red. And if your hair is extra long don’t bother adding more product for a better result.
- Forget sectioning your hair: Another problem is when you apply bleach on unparted hair. This is an invitation to a trainwreck when it comes to hair color as long and thick hair is especially sensitive. You can think applying traightly onto your hair will save you some time but the opposite applies, this doing will take more time for the second-time fixing your unwanted mistake.
- Choosing the wrong product for you: Depending on your will, if you want a bright color for your virgin black hair, a volume 10 product won’t get the job done if you have very dark hair. Each product has various volume strengths, ranging from 10 to 40. Taking your time shopping for the right bleaching product is a must.
- Poor product mixing: Sometimes choosing the right product is just a small part of deciding whether your bleach hair is well colored or not, the mixing part is the important one. Mix the developer and bleaching powder evenly, keep on stirring the mixture with your brush and don’t stop until it becomes a homogenized mixture. Also, Make sure the product is not outdated.
2. 2 Easy methods to fix uneven bleached hair at home 2022
Now you know what makes your beautiful hair turn uneven color, you can learn thoroughly about that experiment but you can’t go back in time and tell your naive self to not ruin your hair. Don’t worry, Follow Anka hair and quickly fix uneven bleached hair with these two successful ways.
2.1. Silver bullet method
A quick fix is to dye your hair a darker color. If your hair is strong you can dye right the day before but for the best result, wait a few days before doing it. Then dye your hair follow these easy steps:
Step 1: Protect yourself from hair stain
It is obvious that there will be unwanted hair stains everywhere, over your carpet or your favorite shirt. Therefore, Cover any might-get-hair-dye surface around and put newspapers on the floor. To deal with spillage, keep paper towels on hand. Wear a nasty old shirt that you despise, preferably one that you’re about to discard. Wrap your shoulders in a towel or a colorful cape. Wear gloves throughout the whole process. In order to not get on your hand and also put cream or vaseline on your face to avoid getting it staine.
Step 2: Follow the instructions closely.
Follow the directions provided on the box. Bottles for mixing the dye are included in most box sets. To combine the color components in the given bottle, follow the directions. Then, shake the mixture until all of the ingredients are evenly distributed. If your dye doesn’t come with these ingredients, you’ll need to buy a dish to mix it in.
When dyeing your hair, remember to comb it evenly and separate it into 4 parts. Then you can break those four parts into smaller parts 1/4″-1/2″ subsections as you work for better results. Use the applicator bottle or brush to dispense the dye onto your hair. Put the dye into your hair by using your gloved fingers. Whether to begin applying the dye will depend on whether or not you have ever dyed your hair before.
- Be careful picking colors based on what they look like on the box, as that may not be what you actually get.
- Do not rinse the dye out before the minimum time or leave the dye in past the maximum time.
Step 3: After care
The most important thing now is to take care of your hair thoroughly as they have been through alot of damage. Rub in the shampoo and conditioner to nourish your hair.
Note: Choose colors based on what they appear to be on the box, as this may not be what you receive.
Rinse out the color before the minimal time or leave it in for longer than the maximum duration.
2.2. Sustainable method
This method is sustainable due to the fact that it will help you get your desirable look but it will need more time and the damage can be more awful. Bleach your hair a second time. Depending on your hair’s health, you should wait from 5-14 days after the first try to re-bleach your hair.
Note: This method will give your hair an even look and at the same time brighter color. Consider the risk you might take when using this method as bleach dries out the hair and roots and worse, your hair can’t be fixed. And your only choice is to cut it.
The perfect time to recuperate from the first bleaching is 2-3 weeks as your hair has a time to rest and heal. In the waiting process, enrich your eating routine with high-protein, low-fat foods during the in-between time. Eat plenty of veggies and berries. Keep it in mind that always nourishing and strengthening the roots with a nutritious diet.
Here are some tips for you when re-bleaching your hair as you go through this process the second time, the experience can be less painful but there are still some problems you should be cautious:
- First and foremost, make sure you acquire the correct type of bleach for your hair when you first bleach it. If you plan to bleach your hair several times from the start, you should probably buy a smaller volume bleach. Lower volume bleach products are still powerful but are less likely to cause excessive drying or damage to your hair. As a result, they’re better suite to a series of bleaching attempts.
- After you’ve purchased your product, you should also read the bleaching instructions. Bleaching products frequently come with guidelines for a variety of hair types and intended results. Furthermore, some companies provide recommendations for how often you should bleach your hair. You can avoid accidentally melting your hair by reading the directions. You’ll also receive a thorough understanding of how to apply the bleach on your unique hair, as well as any bleaching-related warnings.
- Another option is to conduct a strand test before bleaching the rest of your hair.
Note: Massaging your scalp with Ayurvedic oils will prepare your hair for the next round of bleaching.
3. Following questions around bleached hair
How to ‘Fix Patchy’ Spots After Bleaching?
If you plan to fix the patchy spots after bleaching yourself, it is better to dye all your hair darker. It is not a good idea to fix it to a lighter one.
How do I rehydrate my hair after bleaching?
Keeping your blonde hair healthy requires the use of the correct products. You’ll need a good treatment, as well as a nice shampoo and conditioner tailored to your hair’s demands. A healthy combination of reparative, strengthening protein and hydration items is essential. Too much protein in the hair can have an adverse effect and leave the hair brittle.
At-home coloring products are convenient, but they aren’t error-proof, especially in an amateur’s hands. Fortunately, uneven bleached hair is one of those blunders you can fix in life. You can always try wigs to cover up as your will in case the fixing process is messing you up. Or if you scare unfortunate problems contact Anka Hair to learn more about wigs and virgin hair.